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How Do You Keep Your Rotator Cuff Healthy?

Do you know someone who has broken the rotator cuff? It is common for this type of injury in the world of sports. The rotator cuff consists of four muscles that surround the shoulder joint. They serve as suspension bridge cables to coordinate shoulder movements and increase the shoulder joint’s stability.

Injury to this vital muscle group can cause pain and reduce shoulder function. A non-athletic activity can also lead to such injury. Athletes use the shoulder aggressively and have a higher risk of damaging the rotator cuff.

However, simple everyday actions can significantly improve the health of the rotator cuff and prevent future injury. Dr Chandra Sekhar. B offers patients these five simple tips to help maintain a healthy rotator cuff. Before that, let us see!

What is a rotator cuff?
Best Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery in Hyderabad, shoulder replacement surgery doctors near me

A rotator cuff is a group of four small but strong muscles surrounding the shoulders and shoulder blades. These muscles include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. The common abbreviation is “SITS”. The shoulder joint is excellent because it gives us incredible flexibility and movement, but with that range of motion comes significant instability. The rotator cuff is essential for shoulder stability.

Tips to Keep Your Rotator Cuff Healthy

Stretch before exercising

Stretching the shoulders before an activity is very important Rotator Cuff problemsin athletes. It reduces muscle tension in the shoulder joint, increases flexibility and prevents sharp damage to the rotator cuff during aggressive exercise. Stretching has been shown to increase blood flow to muscles. Something as simple as stretching before exercise is helpful.

Strengthen the rotator cuff

Consult Dr. Chandra Sekhar know the rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, shoulder dislocation surgery doctors near Hyderabad
It is ideal to use heavy weights to strengthen the rotator cuff because heavy loads require a larger muscle group. It is preferable to perform specific movements with light resistance to isolate the rotator cuff and other muscles that support the shoulder. Dr Chandra Shekar. B recommends a variety of exercises that will help maintain shoulder joint stability in rotator cuff and shoulder strengthening programs such as:
Exercise -1

  • Lie on stomach on a table or bed
  • Place one hand at shoulder level with your elbows bent 90 degrees and place your hands down
  • Bend your elbows and rotate your shoulders so that the backs of your arms are raised toward the ceiling.
  • Lower your hands slowly
  • Repeat ten times
  • Do it with your other hand

Exercise – 2

  • Lie on one side of the bed or the floor
  • Place your upper arms at your sides with your elbows bent 90 degrees and place your forearms on your chest, palms down.
  • Turn your shoulders out and raise your forearms until they are parallel to your shoulders
  • Lower your hands slowly
  • Repeat ten times
  • Do it with your other hand

Exercise – 3

  • Stand with your hands slightly behind and both thumbs down
  • Raise your hands and pretend that you’re emptying a can with each hand
  • Lower your arms slowly
  • Repeat ten times


You can do it by holding a small dumbbell. Start lightly – usually, 2 or 3 pounds is enough to create adequate resistance. Another way to fight back is to do shoulder exercises with a resistance band. Rotator cuff exercises can be done two or three times a week or as directed by your physical therapist. Remember to stop exercising if the pain in the shoulder, shoulder blade, or arm worsens.

Strengthens the core and lower limbs

Simple healthy exercises for Rotator cuff Strengthening at Hyderbad Shoulder Clinic, physiotherapy doctor for shoulder fracture near Hyderabad

Simple everyday actions can significantly improve the health of the rotator cuff and prevent future injury.

Most of the power behind the throwing motion comes from your core and lower leg muscles (legs and buttocks). By strengthening this muscle group, the thrower can develop a more coordinated throwing mechanism and prevent overuse or improper use of the cuff.

Return to correct throwing mechanism

After each shoulder injury, it is good for the thrower to participate in a graded throwing program to retrain and revise the correct throw mechanism. This will reduce the risk of re-injury.

Use ice and anti-inflammatory drugs as needed.

The ultimate Rotator cuff repair guide by Dr. Chandra Sekhar, One of the best shoulder replacement surgery specialists in Hyderabad

Usually, the thrower feels inflammation of the dominant shoulder (throws) after aggressive training. Ice and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs are often effective at reducing inflammation in this situation. However, athletes should consult a doctor if symptoms persist.


Don’t ignore shoulder pain. Proactive care can make a difference and help you avoid rotator cuff surgery. If you want to keep your shoulders healthy, it’s best to contact our physical therapist under shoulder surgeon Dr Chandrashekar. B supervision to learn rotator cuff strengthening exercises. Our physical therapist can customize a rotator cuff exercise program to keep your shoulders healthy and flexible.

To speak directly to our shoulder surgeon Dr Chandra Shekar. B, call at  91 9959588389 and make an appointment today.

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