Frozen shoulder treatment in Hyderabad

A commonly heard problem among shoulder patients. It is due to inflammation and contracture of the capsule portion of the joint. Patient experiences pain and stiffness of the joint. It commonly affects older people and especially diabetics. This condition can be treated with good physiotherapy done under the supervision of a shoulder surgeon and shoulder physiotherapist. In severe cases this problem can be treated with advanced key-hole surgery arthroscopic surgery.

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a condition that causes stiffness of the shoulders and creates immobility in the shoulder joints. It usually affects the people from 40s to 60s, and women are more likely to suffer compared to men.

The most common symptoms of frozen shoulder include stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder. However, the Frozen shoulder has three phases that accompany its occurrence. They are:

  1. Freezing: Pain slowly turns out to be more regrettable until there is a loss in the scope of movement. (Keeps going 6 weeks to 9 months)
  2. Frozen: Pain enhances but the shoulder is still firm. (Endures 4 to 6 months) At that time you have to apply frozen shoulder pain solutions
  3. Thawing: The ability to move shoulder enhances until typical or near ordinary. (Keeps going 6 months to 2 years)

There exist several factors which can increase the risk of frozen shoulder. These factors include certain medical conditions like obesity, and even Parkinson’s disease.

What Causes Frozen Shoulder?

There is no clear evidence that what causes frozen shoulder but there is no clear connection to arm dominance or occupation. With this condition, the capsule encasing the shoulder joint becomes thickened and tightened followed by restricting movement. However, some factor can put you at risk for frozen shoulder. These factors include:

  1. Age and Sex: People aged 40 or above are more likely to have frozen shoulder. However, it is more prevalent in women.
  2. Diabetes: Frozen shoulder is quite common in diabetic patients. It almost affects 15% of the diabetic population.
  3. Other Diseases: Some medical problems such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, cardiac disease and Parkinson’s disease can also cause frozen shoulder.
  4. Immobilization: Frozen shoulder may also develop when the shoulder is immobilized for an extended period. The possible conditions for immobilization are a broken arm, a rotator cuff injury, a stroke or recovery from surgery.

What Are The Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder?

The most common symptoms of frozen shoulder are stiffness and pain that makes difficult or impossible to move it. During frozen shoulder, you’ll typically go through three phases where each phase has unique symptoms and timeline.

Freezing Stage:

  1. You may develop pain (sometimes severe) in your shoulder anytime when you move it.
  2. The pain slowly gets worse and may hurt more at night.
  3. Pain can last anywhere from 6 to 9 months.
  4. Limited motion in your shoulder.

Frozen Stage:

  1. Your pain may get better, but your stiffness gets worse during this phase.
  2. Your shoulder movement becomes more rigid and harder to get through daily activities.
  3. This stage can last 4-12 months.

Thawing Stage:

  1. The range of motion goes back to normal.
  2. This stage can last 6 months to 2 years.

How Is Frozen Shoulder Treated?

There are many treatment options available for treating frozen shoulder treatment, some of which are viable and proven whereas some of which are less predictable. A combination of the following treatment options can help you speed up your recovery:

  1. Physical therapy
  2. Medication
  3. Surgical and other ways to treat your shoulder pain

Physical Therapy

A physical therapist teaches you comprehensive motion exercises to help you recover from the frozen shoulder and to restore your lost shoulder mobility. Your commitment towards these exercises is vital for the recovery of your shoulder movement.


Medications are considered to be the first pain relief solutions for frozen shoulder. Your doctor may prescribe more grounded agony diminishing and mitigating drugs medications that can reduce your pain and inflammation connected with frozen shoulder. These are for temporary and advised to go for surgery if the problem persists

Surgical And Other Ways To Treat Your Shoulder Pain

Most frozen shoulders show the signs of improvement within 12 days to a year and a half. However, as a shoulder surgeon, Dr Chandrasekhar may recommend these orthopaedic solutions to eliminate pain permanently:

Steroid Injections: Infusion of steroids into your shoulder joint can reduce your pain and enhance the shoulder mobility. These steroid injections work mainly during the early phases of the procedure.

Joint Distension: Infusing sterile Saline into the joint container will extend the tissue and allow smooth movement in the joints.

Shoulder Control: In this methodology, you will be given a general sedative, so that you’ll be oblivious and feel no pain. During this point, your surgeon releases the fixed tissues by moving your shoulder joint in various bearings.

Manipulation Under Anaesthesia: During this surgery, you will be given anaesthesia to numb the shoulder, and your surgeon will force movement of your shoulder. The forced shoulder movement stretch or tear the joint capsule to loosen the tightness followed by an increased range of motion.

Arthroscopic SurgerySurgery for the shoulder is rare and considered when nothing else has helped to relieve pain. In this procedure, your surgeon removes scar tissue and attachments from your shoulder joint Another option is arthroscopic surgery. In this type of surgery, your surgeon makes a small incision in your shoulder and insert an instrument with a tiny camera called an “arthroscope.” The arthroscope is used to remove scar tissue or release it. This procedure allows you to recover the lost shoulder motion.

Arthroscopic Surgery is an outpatient procedure. However, your surgeon may remove stitches after 10 days following the surgery. Postoperative physical therapy is a must after the arthroscopic surgery, and most people restore their motion within 3 months.

Preparing For Your Appointment

Consult your family physician who can refer you to the shoulder surgeon.

What Can You Do?

Before your appointment, prepare a list of:

  1. Your symptoms with a detailed description
  2. Medical problems you’ve had
  3. Medical problems of your parents or siblings
  4. Medications and dietary supplements you take
  5. Questions to ask your orthopaedic doctor
  6. What to expect from your orthopaedic doctor?

What to Expect From Your Doctor?

  1. When did your symptoms begin?
  2. What are the activities that worsen your symptoms?
  3. Have you ever injured that shoulder? If yes, how?
  4. Do you have diabetes?
  5. Do you have any recent surgeries or periods of restricted shoulder motion?

Why Dr. Chandrasekhar for Frozen Shoulder Treatment in Hyderabad?

  • Board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon with years of experience in treating patients
  • Patient-focused approach to deliver excellence in shoulder surgeries
  • Preferred provider of highly specialized orthopaedic services in Hyderabad
  • Professional & compassionate healthcare to every patient
  • Compassionate healthcare to the patients suffering from frozen shoulder, shoulder pain, shoulder dislocationRotator cuff problems and shoulder arthritis
  • Welcoming environment with state of the art equipment


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