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Top 10 FAQs for Shoulder Injury Prevention

Are you enjoying your tennis swing? It may cause a sudden tearing sensation in your shoulder, or you may slip and fall, which leaves you unable to lift your arm. Be it any of these causes, shoulder injuries are a common problem for adults 50 and older, doctors say. Many shoulder injuries are due to age-related changes in the shoulder. They are sometimes coupled with decades of overuse from work and play. But the good news is that shoulder specialists say there are plenty of ways to reduce the risk of injury. By adopting these prevention methods, one can maintain function to enjoy your favourite activities and everyday tasks.

Why are shoulders at more risk of injury?

The shoulder is the most vulnerable organ prone to damage. A rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint and keep the head of the upper arm in the shoulder socket. A combination of age-related degeneration, overuse and macro trauma causes these injuries. Shoulder bone fractures are often caused by falls, the second-most common type of injury.

What can you do to keep your shoulders healthy?

Anyone can quickly reduce the risk of shoulder injuries. With the right amount and type of exercise, significantly, if you also change some habits and pay more attention to how you do some activities, you can safeguard yourself. Work to maintain healthy shoulders so you can maintain a good range of motion. 

Here are the expert tips for taking care of your shoulders.

  1. Build up your muscles

Strengthening the shoulder muscles will help keep them stable and protect you from injury. But don’t run off and purchase elaborate gym equipment. You can do exercises with elastic bands, which provide a gradual, steady increase in resistance during a movement. We at Hyderabad Shoulder clinic offer rotator cuff and shoulder exercises targeting various muscle groups crucial for shoulder health. You can use this routine to recover from an injury or maintain shoulder health.

  1. Flexibility always helps

Practising stretching exercises daily helps maintain shoulder flexibility and a good range of motion, which are essential to protect against injury. That’s why we at Hyderabad Shoulder Clinic recommend our patients practice yoga, which also improves strength and balance — both of which help prevent falls that can cause fractures.

  1. Warm-up is essential too

If you are about to play a sport, go a bit before your schedule and start warming up. If you straight up begin playing, you’re practically asking for shoulder trouble. Always warm up first. You can do cardio work, such as jumping jacks, plus some stretching and rotator cuff exercises you do in your fitness workouts.

  1. Moderation is the key

Exercising is undoubtedly good, but overzealousness — especially when coupled with poor technique — can increase your injury risk. If you put your shoulder in an extreme position and then load it with weights, your rotator cuff is subject to tremendous force — possibly more than it can withstand. If you are doing push-ups, it’s better not to take your chest down to the floor because your shoulders are significantly extended, and then you push your entire body weight up. Stop where your elbows are parallel to your body. Increase your intensity gradually. Between workouts, taking time off for rest and building some easy days into your routine is also suitable for injury prevention.

  1. Check your Ergonomics.

If your daily routine involves long time use of a computer, your sitting posture makes a big difference. Repetitive activities such as using a computer mouse can affect the shoulder. One would be better off having your computer table relatively high so your shoulder is not extended all the time. Sit straight since slumping in your chair can result in tight muscles and affect how your shoulders move.

  1. Give your shoulders rest.

If your shoulder is paining during certain activities, say while throwing a baseball or swimming, stop that activity and find an alternative exercise, such as riding a stationary bike. Switching over your activity can give your shoulder time to rest and heal while maintaining cardiovascular fitness. It does not mean eliminating all shoulder movement. Otherwise, you may develop a stiff shoulder from infrequent use. Do mild stretches to keep your arm moving.

  1. Modify your sleeping position

Don’t sleep on the shoulder that is paining. E.g. if your right shoulder is paining, don’t sleep on your right side. You can switch over to sleeping on your left side or back instead. If sleeping on your back is uncomfortable, try propping your arm up with a pillow.

  1. Work on endurance building

Your endurance increases over time. If there was a long break, consider playing for a short period—maybe just 20 minutes to start—and build up to a more extended period of playing time. Please don’t get into doing too much too soon, especially when your body is not used to it.

  1. Shoulder strength

Strong shoulders are more stable, which, in turn, may prevent painful injuries like shoulder dislocation. Consult a doctor before starting a strengthening program. We at Hyderabad Shoulder clinic suggest exercises to perform or may recommend working with a physical therapist.

  1. Cross-training

Sports are particularly taxing on the shoulder due to repetitive overhead movements. So think about cross-training. If your choice of sport is swimming, for example, alternate some of your swimming workouts with running or biking to reduce the stress on your shoulder while still staying physically fit. If your profession is a painter or construction worker—two occupations commonly associated with repetitive overhead movements—please take the above steps for healthy, muscular shoulders.

Dr Chandra Shekar the best shoulder surgeon in Hyderabad says, above all, listen to your body and be proactive. Make some adjustments to work out or daily routine to help prevent further damage down the road. Get your doctor’s input, even if you have a minor injury. Diagnosing an injury early may help keep you in the game and prevent painful injuries. Visit our website at or reach us at +91 9959588389 or

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