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Will my shoulder ever be the same after dislocation?

The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint connecting the arms to the rest of the body. The shoulder joint is so versatile that it allows for almost all types of movements. That’s why the hand can virtually turn in any direction. So this means that shoulder instability is also highland. It is one of the most commonly injured sockets. Shoulder dislocation is the top ailment of the shoulder.

Understanding shoulder dislocations

Shoulder dislocations occur when the upper arm bone pops out of the shoulder socket due to a strong force or extreme rotation. According to a study, 50% of all major dislocations are shoulder related. The dislocated shoulder joint is commonly seen in sports like football, gymnastics, or skateboarding. Falls or traumatic injuries are also common causes.

No matter the cause of dislocation, this injury keeps you sidelined from sports while you heal. Some dislocations also involve additional complications, such as torn muscles, tendons, or ligaments, or nerve or blood vessel damage, which may require additional healing time. 

It is very easy to identify a dislocated shoulder due to its very outwardly symptoms, such as:

  • A visibly out-of-place shoulder
  • Intense pain in the shoulder or arm
  • Inability to move your shoulder
  • Swelling and/or bruising
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in your neck or arm
  • Muscle spasms in the shoulder area

However, you might have dislocated your shoulder. It’s never a good idea to fix it on your own. One wrong move can damage the joint and surrounding tissues. 

Self-healing of a dislocated shoulder

Do shoulder dislocations go away on their own? Well, the answer is: no. until the joint, especially the humerus, is popped back in, the patient experiences pain. The sooner the treatment, the better it is. Otherwise, the surrounding ligaments and tendons might get damaged.

How long will it take for shoulder dislocations to heal?

Does the recovery period depend on whether you need surgery or not? For a non-surgical, fairly simple dislocation, the shoulder joint will improve over a few weeks.

For surgical treatment, your sling will stay on for six weeks, and then you will work with a physical therapist to regain range of motion and strength. Surgical procedure recovery takes five to six months.

Please ensure you do not return to any activities before the shoulder is stable, even though you may feel pretty good. Returning to activities prematurely leads to injury or possible repeat dislocation.

Will my shoulder ever be the same after dislocation?

A once dislocated shoulder can get dislocated again because the first one stretches out the ligaments. Anyone who experiences a shoulder dislocation, healthcare professionals, orthopaedics specialists, orthopaedic surgeons, and physical therapists will help you get back into the game and regain your performance and strength.

Anyone with a shoulder dislocation is easily tempted to rush back into their daily routine after the pain subsides. Concentrating on good mechanics and strength conditioning is the best way to get back to the pre-dislocation. Professional, competitive, and casual athletes should very much focus on medical professional instructions to perform well in sports.

Dr Chandra Shekhar, the best shoulder surgeon in Hyderabad, has helped many professional athletes return to sports after a shoulder dislocation. He has excellent expertise in handling all types of shoulder complications. Please visit our website or contact us at +91 9959588389,

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